Types of Employee Motivation


Employee Motivation can be categorized as Intrinsic or internal motivation and extrinsic or external motivation. Amabile (1993) explains further, by saying the followings:

  • ·         Individuals are intrinsically motivated when they seek pleasure, interest, satisfaction of curiosity self-expression, or personal challenge in the work
  • ·         Individuals are extrinsically motivated when they involve in the work in order to obtain some goal that is apart from the work itself (Amabile 1993, 185-201.)

Intrinsic motivation

This kind of motivation comes from a human's personal satisfaction or interest in the work and does not involves engaging in activities for the sake of obtaining external rewards; instead, it allows for experiencing inner pleasure in the activity. It can be viewed as a force that includes engaging in actions without receiving external rewards (Amabile 1993).

Extrinsic motivation

Deci (1972) defined extrinsic motivation as, money and verbal reward, mediated outside of a person, on the other hand intrinsic motivation is mediated inside the Person.

This is the opposite of intrinsic motivation. It means carrying out of an action in order to achieve external goals. Extrinsic motivation comes from a person's physical environment. More job benefits, increased pay, incentives, and job promotions are some examples of rewards that encourage extrinsic motivation.

In difference to extrinsic motivation, that derives from an external or socially produced cause to perform an action intrinsic motivation refers to the performance of an action out of interest or enjoyment. Extrinsic motivators such as money or other payments can produce extrinsic motivation due to the point that they generate desire for the consequence of the activity they do not produce aspiration to engage in the activity for its own sake (Amabile, 1993).

The change among intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is, namely individuals are intrinsically motivated when they look for pleasure, interest, satisfaction, enjoyment and curiosity, self-expression or personal challenges in the work. And individual is extrinsically motivated when they engage in the work in order to gain some goal that is apart from the work itself (Amabile, 1993).

The following video will further explain the types of Employee Motivation.


Amabile T.M , 1993. Motivational synergy: toward new conceptualizations of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the workplace. Human resource management

Deci E.L 1972. The effects of contingent and noncontingent rewards and controls on intrinsic motivation. Organizational behaviour and human performance


  1. Adding to your content Divangi, researchers Ryan & Deci (2000) carried out further studies in to the two general types of motivation and concluded that the quality of performance when an employee is intrinsically motivated as opposed to being extrinsically motivated can differ from one to the other.

    1. Thank You Nelushan. Would like to add furthermore, Intrinsic motivation is defined as the doing of an activity for its inherent satisfactions rather than for some separable consequence ((White, 1959). Extrinsic motivation has typically been characterized as a pale and impoverished (even if powerful) form of motivation that contrasts with intrinsic motivation (De Charms, 1968).

  2. Good begining for the types of Employee Motivation Divangi. Further more ,Since intrinsic desire drives spontaneous inquiry and curiosity, it is a key mechanism for open-ended cognitive growth(Oudeyer & Kaplan, 2013).

    1. Thank you and agreed Shamalka. If employees make work experience to be significant, they are responsible for the results and have knowledge about their work as a result of them motivation to do better. Features that deliver improved job performance of employees will bring intrinsic rewards (Hackman & Oldham, 2010).


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